Simple Recipes Kitchen

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Always with a smile and a helping hand.
Best Regards,


“I am a registered nurse with a Master’s Degree in Health Promotion. I love cooking simple, quick, and healthy recipes. I also enjoy creating budget-friendly recipes and feel happy when the monthly family food budget is met. My recipes typically include few ingredients, yet they are nutritious, tasty, and healthy. Most of my recipes are made using an air fryer. Join me and let’s create some quick and simple recipes, while saving money and eating healthily!”

Why i started A food Blog

“I started creating recipe content for fun during the coronavirus lockdown era in 2020. I began with YouTube videos, filming the food, taking pictures, and editing the videos myself. When many of my subscribers on the Simple Recipes Kitchen YouTube channel began to request written versions of my recipes, I decided to start this food blog.” I taught myself ,designed and built this foodblog from scratch. I really love what i do and i thank God for bringing me this far in my recipe creating journey. 

Do Not Miss A New Recipe

Lets Grow Together!!!

“I designed this website myself from scratch. I did not have prior knowledge of web building, but I have learned a lot on my own by watching a lot of web design tutorials. I hope to get better at it. It might not be perfect, but I am still learning. I am a wife, a mom, a nurse, a food blogger, a content creator on YouTube, and a Sunday School teacher. Follow me and let’s create content, food blog recipes, and grow together!”


Important notice:
Dear reader, thank you for reading our post on air fryer cooking. Our aim is to give you meal ideas that are healthy and remarkable. Remember that cooking time and temperature can differ depending on the type of air fryer you use. For the best outcomes, read the instructions on your air fryer before cooking.
Although air fryers require less oil than deep frying methods, some recipes will still include a little bit of it. Please use caution and store the food properly.
Please note that our blog is in no way held responsible for any injuries or damages that result from trying our recommended recipes or utilizing an air fryer. Nevertheless, we believe that you will enjoy exploring your air fryer to build fantastic meals.
Thank you for your loyalty.
Best regards,
Simple Recipes Kitchen.

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