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Egg Bread Toast Breakfast in the Air fryer

Air fryer bread on egg toast breakfast

YUMMY BREAD TOAST WITH CHEESE. Have you ever woke up craving for a classic, hearty breakfast that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized throughout the day? This egg on toast bread for breakfast is a timeless combination that will surely satisfy your cravings. So why not make your mornings great again with this simple yet fulfilling breakfast recipe? 

Egg on buttered bread toast is a yummy and easy breakfast. The egg is soft and creamy and the toast is crispy and buttery. It’s a healthy choice because eggs have protein, vitamins, and minerals, and the toast gives you some energy. 

You can add cheese, sping onions, sesame seeds, bacon, or avocado to make it even better. It’s easy to make and will keep you full until lunch.

Can you imagine making Bread Toast Breakfast in your AIR FRYER!!

If you’re looking for a healthier breakfast or brunch option, this air fryer egg on butter toast recipe is perfect for you! By replacing the oil with the oven, we’re ensuring that this recipe is both healthy and delicious.

Air Fried Bread Toast Breakfast ( WHOLE WHEAT BREAD)


1 or 2

Prep time


Cooking time



Have you ever woke up craving for a classic, hearty breakfast that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized throughout the day? Toasted bread and cooked egg is a timeless combination that will surely satisfy your cravings. So why not make your mornings great again with this simple yet fulfilling breakfast recipe?


  •  2 slices of whole wheat bread

  • soft butter

  •  2 Eggs

  • salt ( adjust quantity base on your taste)

  • black pepper ( adjust quantity base on your taste)

  • Spring onions/Green onions or Scallions, you can also add Chives

  • Sesame seeds

  • Cheddar og Mozerella cheese


  • 1. Roll the bread flat on both sides, put soft butter on both sides then cut the middle egde on all sides.

     2. Put the bread in a 1 cup size Ramekins and airfry at 380F og 190C for 3 minutes.

    3.  After 3 minutes you put fresh eggs in the bread and add salt, pepper, spring onions / green onions or scallions, you can also use Chives and sesame seeds.

    4. Air fry at 380F og 190C for 7 minutes.

    5. After 7 minutes you add mozerella or cheddar cheese then air fry for 1 minutes for the same temprature. 

    6.After 1 minutes take the the toast out of the cup

    Severe og enjoy


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    Air fryer egg on bread toast
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