Simple Recipes Kitchen

Simple Recipes Kitchen Log
Celebrating and Promoting Simple Healthy Recipes

Air fryer Frozen Vegetables

cooking frozen vegetables in the air fryer

Cooking frozen vegetables in the air fryer is super easy and incredibly healthy. The air fryer is an innovative kitchen appliance that can be used for a multitude of cooking purposes, and one of its best features is its ability to cook frozen mixed vegetables to perfection without losing their nutritional value. 

air fryer fozen vegetables

 If you’re looking for a simple and quick way to enjoy healthy vegetables, then the air fryer is the way to go. With this stylish kitchen gadget, you can enjoy crispy and delicious veggies that are packed with vital nutrients and vitamins.

Using an air fryer to cook frozen vegetables not only helps save time, but also results in delicious vegetables with minimal oil and maximum flavor. In other word the vegetables does not become mashy or soggy. 

These delightful veggies can then be used as a side dish or a main meal. With the air fryer, healthy eating has never been easier! Just pair these vegetables with some air fryer juicy chicken breast for a complete air fryer dinner recipe meal.



1 or 2

Prep time


Cooking time



Air fryer cheesy tomatoes are a delicious and easy dish to make. They are perfect for a quick snack or side dish. ! It's fun to make and it comes with amazing, cheesy flavor. This recipe is a great way to enjoy the flavor of tomatoes without all the hassle.


  • 1kg Frozen Mixed Vegetables ( broccoli, sugar snap peas, cauliflower orange and yellow carrots)

  • 1 Teaspoon Vegetable Oil

  • Salt ( adjust quantity base on your taste)

  • Black pepper ( adjust quantity base on your taste)


  • 1. Pour the frozen mixed vegetables in the air fryer.

    2. Air fry the vegetables at 380F of 190C for 12 minutes

    3. After 6 minutes opened the air fryer shake the basket and stir the vegetables. Close and the and continue to air fry

    4. After 10 minutes opened the air fryer, add salt,black pepper and the oil.

    5. Stir and close the air fryer to keep air frying.

    6. After the total 12 minutes take the vegeatbles out and serve. 

    There will definately be drained water from the frozen vegetables in the air fyer.

    Severe and enjoy!!


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  • Note that cooking times may vary depending on the size and type of vegetables, so keep an eye on them and adjust the time as needed. You can also add seasoning or herbs to the vegetables before cooking, or toss them with a little bit of oil and seasoning after cooking for added flavor. Enjoy your healthy , nutrients densed and easy-to-prepare side dish.
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