Simple Recipes Kitchen

Air fryer Strawberry Muffins

Air Fryer Strawberry Muffins

Hey all you food lovers! Back, in the kitchen we’re embarking on a fun baking adventure with a twist. Air fryer strawberry muffins. These soft and fluffy goodies are not just simple to whip up but also packed with the deliciousness of strawberries. So get your air fryer heated up and lets get started on this recipe!

air fryer strawberry muffins

All in all strawberry muffins made in an air fryer offer an nutritious option compared to baking them in an oven. The air fryer guarantees that the cooked muffins comes out with a golden crusty top and a fluffy moist inside.

I can bet that these delightful treats are bursting with the flavor of fresh strawberries. Moreover, these cupcakes will surely entice you with its fragrance and that will surely make you want another bite.

So easy and quick to make Muffins In the Air fryer

Air fryer Strawberry Muffins

There are plenty of ingredients you can mix into strawberry muffins to elevate their taste and texture. Here are some suggestions;

Lemon Zest; The refreshing citrus notes of lemon zest perfectly complement the sweetness of strawberries.

Vanilla Extract; A couple of teaspoons of vanilla extract can enrich the flavor profile of the muffins.

Almonds or Pecans; Diced almonds or pecans bring a crunch and nutty essence to the muffins.

White Chocolate Chips; White chocolate blends beautifully with strawberries adding a hint of sweetness.

Oats; Rolled oats provide texture and a wholesome touch, to the muffins.

Greek Yogurt; Incorporating yogurt in the batter can keep the muffins moist and tender while imparting a tangy flavor.

Cinnamon or Cardamom; A dash of cinnamon or cardamom introduces warmth and complexity to the taste.

Coconut Flakes; Toasted coconut flakes introduce a flair to your strawberry muffins.

Chia Seeds or Flaxseeds; These nutritious seeds offer a dose of omega 3 fatty acids and fiber to your treats.

Streusel Topping; A streusel topping consisting of flour, sugar and butter adds a crispness, to the muffins.

Feel free to play around with these ingredients to craft your very own special strawberry muffin recipe!

 Due to its quick cooking time, you can easily make air fryer strawberry muffins for a quick breakfast or a scrumptious snack.

Sweet Delights: Air Fryer Strawberry Muffins That'll Melt in Your Mouth

Let Bake some Air fryer Strawberry muffins

Whether it’s for yourself or as a treat for family and friends, these  muffins are sure to be a hit.It about time to bake some strawberry muffins.

Her are some handy tips

1. Make sure your air fryer is nice and hot before popping in the muffins for cooking.

 2. Opt for juicy strawberries for that taste and texture.

 3. Don’t hesitate to get creative with the recipe by tossing in some nuts, chocolate chips or different fruits into the muffin mix. 

4. Store any leftover muffins in a container at room temperature for 3 days or freeze them for longer freshness.

 In conclusion; These air fryer strawberry muffins offer a twist to the treat ideal for any special moment. With their moist interior, bursts of fruity goodness and simplicity in preparation they’re bound to be a hit, among your loved ones. So go ahead fire up that air fryer and indulge in these treats today!

Simple Air fryer Strawberry Muffins



Prep time


Air frying time



Learn how to Bake Moist strawberry Cupcakes in the Air fryer for the perfect delicious homemade dessert cupcakes.


  • 1 Cup All purpose flour 125G

  • 10 fresh strawberries

  • 1 Egg

  • 6 Tablespoons of Melted Butter

  • 7 tablespoons sugar

  • 1 teaspoon Baking Powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon strawberry essence or Vanilla Extract

  • 1/2 cup or 8 tablespoons whole milk

  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt( adjust quantity base on your taste)


  • 1. Preheat your Air fryer to 320ยฐF or 160ยฐC.
    2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the sugar, melted butter and egg.
    3. Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into the same bowl and mix well. 
    4. Add the diced strawberries and vanilla extract or strawberry essence to the mixture and mix until fully combined. 
    5. Spoon the batter into the muffin liner, filling each cup half way up. 
    Optimal: Add extra strawberies on top!
    6. Place the muffin liner into the air fryer and cook for 30-35 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
    7. Let the muffins cool for a few minutes before removing them from the liner.
    Serve and enjoy!

Easy Fresh Strawberry Cake Recipe

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